My Vaccine is Tracking Me!!! (Audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on July 21st, 2021 by skeeter

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My Vaccine is Tracking Me!!!

Posted in rantings and ravings on July 21st, 2021 by skeeter

51 % of my fellow citizens who are declining the immunization for Covid believe the vaccine contains microchip tracking devices. I can only presume that you cautious neighbors avoid cellphones, credit and debit cards, Google, Facebook, grocery stores that require ID cards and probably you have refused to pay the IRS and will not, no way, accept Social Security payments lest the government or child eaters will follow that money to your lair. Tracking devices in the vaccine? Hey, buddy, it’s a little late to worry about anonymity now. The government and the corporations got everything they need, courtesy of yourself, to hunt you down like a rabid dog. Better to take your chances on the Covid killing you.

Satellites are whizzing overhead 24/7 with cameras so powerful they could read the number on your mailbox. Hopefully, you’ve moved and left no forwarding address and certainly haven’t stuck a mailbox at the end of your dead end driveway. If not … well, hopefully you’ve stockpiled a virtual armory of weapons for when the Bad Guys come for you and your family. And I’m sure you know, or at least are convinced, they are coming for you.

So yeah, refuse to take a vaccination, pardner, I get it. Why give them one more tool in their surveillance arsenal when they only have a dozen others to monitor you night and day, week after week, cradle to the grave? Your new TV can do the same thing. I bet that gizmo you bought awhile back, the one you can talk to and ask questions of or play music for you, it’s not only tracking you, it’s listening and it’s sending data back to … you guessed it … Big Brother. You haven’t noticed every time you ask Google a question, a nano second later you get a pop-up ad for some related product? C’mon, you’ve noticed. Did you quit searching with Google? Did you disable Alexa? No?

Buddy, you mean to tell me you won’t take a Covid shot but you’ve got the tracking device on you right now? That smart phone, the one you carry with you at all times, I guess you can see what I’m driving at, it’s a helluva lot smarter than you, pal. That camera built into your computer, did you realize it can be turned on by … well, you know who.

Take your chances with Covid, that’s my best advice for you now. You get it, hey, maybe that’s the easy way out of this brave new world. Course, if you live past the respirator days, then they got your medical records. It just doesn’t seem like there’s any winning, does it? Wish I could help but helping you might lead them to me. Can’t be too careful these days.

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Science is a Hoax! (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on July 20th, 2021 by skeeter

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Science is a Hoax!

Posted in rantings and ravings on July 19th, 2021 by skeeter

A new Gallup poll found that Americans who actually have confidence in science fell from 70% in 1975 to 64% today. In other words, over a third of us don’t really buy into that science crap. Republicans used to believe the earth rotated around the sun, something on the order of 72% of them, but in this Age of Enlightenment we live in now, the era that finds conspiracies in everything from presidential elections to microwave implants in their toilet paper, the Grand Old Party folks who believe in rationality dropped below half to 45%. What, you’re surprised?

Maybe you don’t believe Q exists, that Qanon is just a bunch of crackpots who eat magic mushrooms on their breakfast toast, that evolution is real and that the universe operates on the laws of physics. Most Republicans don’t and more than 1/3rd of all of us don’t. So okay, you probably got bored in class when quantum physics sailed over your head and calculus just made your head hurt. Egghead stuff, no doubt just weirdo formulas and hard to understand folderol. Easier to wrap your mind around Bigfoot and watch documentaries about aliens building the pyramids, right? And forget about the Big Bang theory of the universe when you can just watch Big Bang the sitcom.

The way things are trending we’ll be having the Monkey Trials again before very long and the Catholic Church can bring back the Inquisition for the apostates who refuse to believe the earth is the absolute center of the cosmos. 40% of Republicans already have declared they will not, no way, put a vaccine in their arm or the arms of their kids. Some think the Covid is a hoax, that 600,000 deaths are really from underlying conditions, that the vaccine contains micro –transmitters so the government or Bill Gates can track them 24/7, that old Doc Fauci is really the devil incarnate. If you can believe Democrats are kidnapping children, storing them in a D.C. pizza parlor for their sexual and gastronomical appetites, well, it’s pretty hard to imagine what is beyond their imagination.

I suppose if the modern world is moving so fast into a strange future, the folks who feel most threatened by the coming changes might hang on to magical thinking. If they think their white privilege is under assault, well, why not turn the channel back to Ozzie and Harriet, spend half the day scrolling Facebook for posts with similar fears and keep on listening to the talking heads on cable who monetize paranoia and dread? Gravity? Just bunk. Evolution? Don’t make me laugh! Climate change? Who ya kidding?? E=mc squared? Huh??? Take two supplements and call me in the morning. You’re gonna be just fine.

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Poaching for Fun and Profit (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on July 18th, 2021 by skeeter

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Poaching for Fun and Profit

Posted in rantings and ravings on July 17th, 2021 by skeeter

Me and my neighbors gear up for crabbing season the way my old ones in Wisconsin did for deer hunting season. Well, we don’t put out salt licks and no, we don’t jump in a boat to ‘shine’ our prey with headlights, but we do start talking about the hunt and we do gather up all the regalia and make sure the lines are good, the bait is ready and the boat motors start. In my case I check to see if my oars are rotted or the oarlocks rusted. Crab fever is an annual pandemic around here. Covids come and go, but crab fever, it’s like the common cold, it comes every year.

The past couple of seasons we’ve had trouble with poaching. You can expect some of that, maybe a kid just checking your traps, seeing if he could catch an easy dinner, or guys like Poacher Paul who poach deer and crab both, no license necessary. But I’m not talking about the casual poacher here, I’m talking about organized crime. Up and down the Camano coast the crabpots are hauled up and the crabs stolen. Just out front of me, we’re talking hundreds of crabs every day or night, and if you add in the rest of the island, think thousands. Multiply that by over ten bucks a pound, and no, we’re not figuring this guy or these guys are eating all these crustaceans themselves, we’re looking at tens of thousands of dollars, probably more like six figures every season. This is grand theft crab! This is a major felony.

But … no one in fish and game seems to be too interested in catching our poacher. One of the neighbors called in the boat license of a suspect rifling his pots to the Washington Fish and Wildlife folks only to be told they would need to see the theft themselves. Nevertheless, the nice man on the phone said they would send an agent down to the Everett boat launch and see if the suspect put out there. Oh, right, like he might just have his own dock or he might be launching just about anywhere in Puget Sound? Couldn’t go to the trouble to look up the owner of said boat, maybe wait in his driveway, see what was in those multiple coolers? Nah, that would be police work. That would be, I guess, work.

So we crab hunters are left to fend for ourselves, looks like. A buddy suggested a vigil on the bluff with binoculars and a deer rifle, maybe add a little vigilantism to this year’s crab season. But I reminded him of the guy a few years back who watched from his bluff a guy pull his pots out in the bay, pulled out his 30-30 Winchester and shot a few times in the general vicinity, which, you might have guessed, sent the miscreant fleeing. Course half an hour later the doorbell rang and there was the game warden, plenty pissed at being targeted checking our shooter’s pots for regulation violations.

Just goes to show, it’s hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys. I’m trying to decide which one I am this season.

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Enlightenment Now (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on July 16th, 2021 by skeeter

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Enlightenment Now

Posted in pictures worth maybe not a thousand words on July 15th, 2021 by skeeter

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Enlightenment Now

Posted in rantings and ravings on July 14th, 2021 by skeeter

The times we live in, this fresh start to the 21st Century, seems, at first glance, to be a cauldron of craziness generated by the internet and the tribalism of every media out there. From politics to pandemic, there’s no shortage of whackiness. Science and logic, who needs em? We got superstition and magic to cure the anxiety and dread of this era. Sometimes it seems as if we’d barely left the caves of the Dark ages, just clung to whatever amulets and spells that gave us comfort against the marauding mastodons or the horror of Hal in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

The pundits and the talking heads lament the internet, social media, cable TV, consolidated radio and the cynicism of our politicians. Bullshit passes for alternative facts and insanity gets you elected. Oh me, oh my, what’s gonna come of me boys, what’s gonna come of me?

We like to think we live in an Enlightened Age, one where reason and logic reveal the Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth. The internet ruined that, we think. Social media made a mockery of that, some say. I say the internet and social media probably just pulled back the curtains on all those folks who have always believed more in superstition than science, more who think they might win the lottery despite the statistical odds or that supplements will cure what ails them, more who take comfort in unprovable beliefs than facts that make them squirm, more that find faith in the unknowable more compelling than the angst of the knowable.

The Dark Age denizens never really left, they just didn’t have an internet to give them a microphone. We just under-estimated their numbers. And we over-estimated our own. Age of Enlightenment? Don’t kid yourself.

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Let’s Talk About Money (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on July 13th, 2021 by skeeter

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