rainforest jungles

We got a lot of wildlife still left down here on the Wild and Wooly South End.  And I don’t just mean the artists and musicians and their late night bacchanalias.  I just got done chasing a doe and her fawn out of the garden.  For years we put wire fence around every young fruit tree, dozens of cages.  For about a decade we had a botanical Gitmo going on down here and the complaints from plant rights groups reached such a din and roar, we finally set the apple trees free and let the cherries loose with strict warning not to leave the orchard.  The Asian pears, we had to strap leg surveillance monitors on — couldn’t really trust them to stay In-Country.  The deer pretty much keep the lower limbs denuded.

We got the usual varmints.  Squirrels and raccoons, possums and rats, mice and snakes, rabbits and hawks, feral cats and otter snacking in the pond.  The neighbors’ expensive koi help keep our pond safe, at least until the eagles and herons and kingfishers found it.  Coyotes roam the backwoods where Colton Harris- Moore used to.  They got some of our chickens a some baby peacocks and even our poor geriatric cat, too old to smell or hear them sneaking up.  She forgot, I guess, that despite the neighborhood gentrification, it’s still a jungle out there.

Down at the beach we got everything from skates to seals, sea lions to killer whales, octopus to shark.  It’s all just beyond the tideline, a watery world we mostly only catch glimpses of, shadows right below the keel if you’re of a nautical bent.  Davy Jones’ Locker is teeming.

I don’t really mind sharing with our wilder  neighbors.  At least so long as they stay outdoors.  We got enough problems with the homo sapiens, and I sure don’t need half the woods watching Fox News and ordering Netflix online, drinking our homebrew and wanting to vote.  We got brains twice their size and it hasn’t helped one iota.  Might be that we’d ALL be better off living in the woods.  Return to being two legged instead of sitting on our tail….


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